537 research outputs found

    Distance-based kernels for real-valued data

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    We consider distance-based similarity measures for real-valued vectors of interest in kernel-based machine learning algorithms. In particular, a truncated Euclidean similarity measure and a self-normalized similarity measure related to the Canberra distance. It is proved that they are positive semi-definite (p.s.d.), thus facilitating their use in kernel-based methods, like the Support Vector Machine, a very popular machine learning tool. These kernels may be better suited than standard kernels (like the RBF) in certain situations, that are described in the paper. Some rather general results concerning positivity properties are presented in detail as well as some interesting ways of proving the p.s.d. property.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Nomenclátor Geográfico Básico de España v.1.0

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    El Nomenclátor Geográfico Básico de España (NGBE) es un proyecto desarrollado por el Registro Central de Cartografía (RCC) del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) en cumplimiento con lo establecido en el Real Decreto 1545/2007, de 23 de noviembre, por el cual se regula el Sistema Cartográfico Nacional. La formación de la primera versión del Nomenclátor Geográfico Básico de España se ha realizado en el período comprendido entre los años 2010 y 2012 y ha consistido en la depuración de los nombres geográficos procedentes de la cartografía del Instituto Geográfico Nacional a escala 1:25.000 a través de una metodología generada en el marco de este proyecto y estructurando el resultado en función del modelo de nomenclátor de INSPIRE (D2.8.I.3 INSPIRE Data Specification on Geographical Names-Guidelines)

    Aplicación de la Mercadotecnia de Relaciones y la Calidad del Servicio para lograr la Lealtad del Cliente en una empresa de servicio de ventas al menudeo

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    Las compañías actuales enfrentan la competencia más difícil de la historia, pues para tener éxito en un mercado tan competido, las empresas tienen que cambiar sus paradigmas referentes a productos y ventas a los paradigmas de clientes y mercadotecnia. Para ganar el mercado actual, las empresas deben satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes mejor que la competencia y no sólo crear productos, sino la estrategia es construir relaciones con los clientes (Kotler;1996:36). La satisfacción de los clientes experimenta diversos grados. Si el desempeño del servicio o producto es menor a lo esperado por el cliente, éste se siente insatisfecho con el servicio o producto adquirido. Si por el contrario, el desempeño del servicio o producto coincide con lo esperado por el cliente, éste se siente satisfecho con el servicio o producto adquirido. Y si el desempeño del servicio o producto excede lo esperado por el cliente, éste se siente muy satisfecho con el servicio o producto adquirido, pero además, genera en el cliente una predilección por ese servicio o producto. Lo que en mercadotecnia se suele denominar actitud leal del cliente. (Kotler y Armstrong;2001:592). Las empresas deben retener a los clientes actuales y forjar relaciones rentables y duraderas con ellos. La clave para retenerlos es proporcionarles una satisfacción superior. (Kotler y Armstrong; 2001:597). La mercadotecnia de relaciones implica crear, mantener y mejorar las acciones dirigidas a conservar a los clientes rentables. Es una mercadotecnia orientada al largo plazo e implica crear relaciones gratificantes para conseguir la lealtad de los clientes

    Design Sprint: Enhancing STEAM and Engineering Education Through Agile Prototyping and Testing Ideas

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    [Abstract] Creating project-based learning experiences in the classroom where students learn in a team to solve complex problems and to develop creative and critical thinking is a challenge. Design Sprint (DS) is an agile methodology (implemented in 5 days) with the goal of creating innovative design based on user needs (User Experience). The objective of this work was to develop an Engineering Drawing classroom experience linked to the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic with the Design Sprint methodology. The experience had to involve the integration of theory and practice, the application of knowledge, the development of both hard and soft skills, and the empowerment of students to conduct research. 56 first-year students following three STEAM degrees at the University of A Coruña participated in this experience. The activities were designed for both face-to-face and remote learning. Microsoft Teams and Moodle were used for tutoring and for monitoring student progress. The Moodle Workshop tool was used for the evaluation of the prototypes that were developed and the projects were evaluated by video. The students defended their projects through a presentation in lightning talk format (Ignite). Evaluation rubrics were used following a triple approach: co-evaluation, hetero-evaluation and self-evaluation. The 3D design of the projects was developed with Autodesk software. A total of 18 projects were developed. Once the projects were completed, a survey was administered to evaluate the levels of student satisfaction. The survey results were very positive. The Design Sprint projects also showed positive effects on grades. The Design Sprint method has promoted an interactive learning environment. In addition to its simplicity, a further advantage of DS method is that all student dedication is planned. Students were therefore less likely to feel overloaded, all of which helps with better time management. The DS methodology is multipurpose, so it can be applied to various fields and subjects

    Valoración del cotejo del Nomenclátor Geográfico Básico de España con los nomenclátores de las distintas comunidades autónomas

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    Se plantea una perspectiva comparativa de la diferente casuística que resulta en el cotejo del Nomenclátor Geográfico Básico de España (el nomenclátor obtenido a partir de la BTN25 del Instituto Geográfico Nacional) con los diferentes nomenclátores autonómicos

    Form Factor Improvement of Smart-Pixels for Vision Sensors through 3-D Vertically- Integrated Technologies

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    While conventional CMOS active pixel sensors embed only the circuitry required for photo-detection, pixel addressing and voltage buffering, smart pixels incorporate also circuitry for data processing, data storage and control of data interchange. This additional circuitry enables data processing be realized concurrently with the acquisition of images which is instrumental to reduce the number of data needed to carry to information contained into images. This way, more efficient vision systems can be built at the cost of larger pixel pitch. Vertically-integrated 3D technologies enable to keep the advnatges of smart pixels while improving the form factor of smart pixels.Office of Naval Research N000141110312Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación IPT-2011-1625-43000

    Clinical -epidemiological behaviour of diabetes mellitus in patients older than 60 years old

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    Introducción: la Diabetes Mellitus  constituye hoy en día una verdadera epidemia mundial, debido a su alta prevalencia ya que se estima que para el 2030 supere la cifra de 435 millones, se ha convertido en un problema de desarrollo; amenaza el bienestar de las poblaciones y la prosperidad económica de los países.Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento clínico epidemiológico de la diabetes mellitus en la tercera edad, perteneciente al área de salud del Policlínico Docente Jimmy Hirzel, del Municipio Bayamo. Granma.Método: se realizó un estudio prospectivo, transversal y descriptivo del adulto mayor durante el período comprendido entre julio y diciembre del 2013. El universo estuvo constituido por los 200 ancianos dispensarizados como diabéticos en las historias clínicas familiares de los consultorios médicos de la familia del área de salud correspondiente al Policlínico Docente Jimmy Hirzel de Bayamo, integraron la muestra 101 gerontos (50,5 % del universo) seleccionados al azar. Fueron estudiadas las siguientes variables: edad, género, tipos de diabetes, esquemas terapéuticos, adherencia terapéutica y control metabólico, siendo obtenidas mediante el interrogatorio y complementado por la revisión de las historias clínicas individuales.Resultados: la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 afectó más al grupo etáreo de 60-69 años (51 ,0 %; P > 0,05) y al sexo femenino (60,9 %). Se encontró que el 56,3 por ciento de los ancianos empleaban dieta e hipoglucemiantes orales para el control de su enfermedad  ( 56,3 % ), seguido en orden de frecuencia por la combinación de la dieta, los hipoglucemiantes orales más la insulina ( 20 casos; 19,5 % ), el 85,2 % cumplían adecuadamente con el tratamiento médico, al presentar una frecuencia diaria en su administración medicamentosa, el 85,2 % gozaba de un control metabólico ideal, el 19,2 por ciento presentaba un control aceptable, y solo el 2,9 % tenía descontrol severo.Conclusiones: se necesita poner atención a las intervenciones que puedan ayudar a los pacientes a mantener o disponer de un mejor control de las medicaciones y educarlos acerca de la importancia de la adhesión al tratamiento sobre todo en estas edades o décadas de la vida que generan gran importancia para las familias. Además  el control glucémico implica un reto para el actual modelo de atención de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, donde se ha considerado la necesidad de plantear una estrategia de atención que garantice servicios de calidad, que incorporen el punto de vista del paciente con el propósito de desarrollar en él aptitudes adecuadas de autocuidado en promoción, prevención y tratamiento.Introduction: the Diabetes Mellitus is nowadays a true world-wide epidemic, because of its high prevalence, since it is estimated that in the year 2030 it will surpass the amount of 435 millions of ill persons, it has turned into an increasing problem; threatening the welfare of the populations and the economic prosperity of the countries.Objective: to characterize the clinical epidemiological behaviour of the diabetes mellitus in the third age, belonging to the health area of the Educational Polyclinic Jimmy Hirtzel, in Bayamo Municipality, Granma.Method: it was performed a prospective, transversal and descriptive study of the elders during the period comprised between July and December of the 2013. The universe was constituted by the 200 dispensarized elders like diabetics in the family clinical records of the family medical office of the health area that belongs to the Educational Polyclinic Jimmy Hirtzel of Bayamo. The sample was integrated by 101 geronts (50, 5 % of the universe) selected at random. There were studied the following variables: age, gender, types of diabetes, therapeutic diagrams, therapeutic adherence and metabolic control, they were obtained by means of the interrogation and complemented by the review of the individual clinical histories.Results: the diabetes mellitus type 2 mostly affected the age group of 60-69 years (51, 0 %; P > 0, 05) and the feminine sex (60, 9 %). It was found  that the 56,3 percent of the elderly applied diet and oral hypoglycemiants for the control of their illness  ( 56,3 % ), followed by the combination of the diet, the oral hypoglycemiants and the insulin ( 20 cases; 19,5 % ), the 85,2 % fulfilled properly with the medical treatment, when presenting a daily frequency in the medicine administration, the 85,2 % enjoyed an ideal metabolic control, the 19,2 percent presented an acceptable control, and only the 2,9 % had severe disorders.Conclusions: it is necessary to take care of the interventions that may help the patients to keep or have of a better control of the medications and educate them about the importance of the adhesion to the treatment, especially in these important ages or decades of life. Besides,  the glycaemia control involves a challenge for the current model of attention of the diabetes mellitus type 2, where it is considered  the need to pose a care strategy that guarantee services of quality, incorporating the point of the patient with the purpose to develop suitable aptitudes of self care in promotion, prevention and treatment

    Smart imaging for power-efficient extraction of Viola-Jones local descriptors

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    In computer vision, local descriptors permit to summarize relevant visual cues through feature vectors. These vectors constitute inputs for trained classifiers which in turn enable different high-level vision tasks. While local descriptors certainly alleviate the computation load of subsequent processing stages by preventing them from handling raw images, they still have to deal with individual pixels. Feature vector extraction can thus become a major limitation for conventional embedded vision hardware. In this paper, we present a power-efficient sensing processing array conceived to provide the computation of integral images at different scales. These images are intermediate representations that speed up feature extraction. In particular, the mixed-signal array operation is tailored for extraction of Haar-like features. These features feed the cascade of classifiers at the core of the Viola-Jones framework. The processing lattice has been designed for the standard UMC 0.18μm 1P6M CMOS process. In addition to integral image computation, the array can be reprogrammed to deliver other early vision tasks: concurrent rectangular area sum, block-wise HDR imaging, Gaussian pyramids and image pre-warping for subsequent reduced kernel filtering.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-38921-C02-01, IPT-2011-1625-430000, IPC-20111009Naval Research (USA) N00014111031